Are You Connecting With Your Customers
(In Every Way Possible?)
Are you:
Calling your clients, to check in on whether your service/product is STILL helpful, even after the sale is done?
This is a simple customer service hack. It allows your customers to feel heard, gives you vital information about how you can help them better, AND a chance for the customer to give you a testimonial. It's as simple as a phonecall.
Mailing your current customers, with helpful tips that'll keep them out of danger when dealing with your industry?
You can use Facebook/ LinkedIn/ Google to get traffic towards your branding – but in the end, that traffic is not yours to keep. This is why we recommend building your own list of happy customers, open to receiving emails from you, designed to be genuinely helpful when they want to learn something. Consider getting a mailer service to collect and store your customers' info more securely.
Positioning yourself as someone they can ask ANY question, and get the answer they need to move forward?
This "positioning" takes place in multiple ways. First, the branding and marketing you do needs to be excellent and convey your understanding of your customer's pressing issues (and how to solve them.)